Leading Implant Dentistry

Springwood NSW & Surrounds


Dental Implants for Natural-Looking, Functional Teeth Replacement


Dental implants are titanium rods placed into the jawbone to act as a foundation to replace missing teeth. Once in place, the implants fuse with the surrounding bone and act as a strong anchor that can replace single or multiple missing teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth. Dental implants can also be used to anchor loose-fitting dentures, enabling greater comfort and function.

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?


Most patients are suitable candidates for dental implants, but a thorough medical and dental assessment is required before commencing any treatment.

What Is Involved with Treatment?


Before commencing treatment, a 3-dimensional scan of the jaw is taken. This scan is used to plan where the implants will be exactly placed.

A minor surgical procedure is carried out to embed the dental implants into the jawbone. Once in place, the implants are left undisturbed for a certain period to fuse with the surrounding bone.

Once the implants have fused with bone, artificial teeth are constructed to fit onto the implants to replace single or multiple teeth. If implants are used to stabilise dentures, then clips are attached to the implants to anchor and stabilise loose dentures.

Schedule your consultation today by calling 02 4751 9000.

Discover the transformative power of precision and perfection in dental implant care.

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